Amen Willy.

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Haha! Can I get an amen? I guess now we can go back to regular scheduled programming of Facebook boomers vs instagram millennials?

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I remember freedom…….thanks Willy.

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I think it's in our heads.. a state of mind. It's god-given, cannot be stolen by man, and its good for us to be reminded of that.

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Aug 15Liked by Willy

Location, location, location… I was born in ‘56 and raised in rural west Texas on a dryland cotton farm. Much of what you described paralleled my upbringing. The exception being that there wasn’t as much “free” time, I had to work on the farm. The generational differences stem from the explosion of available tech. Social media changed the way information was received and processed. It changed the social interactions from intimate face to face, into abstract and oftentimes anonymous rants. Good luck trying to wedge your wisdom into their lives!

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I love my time in Texas (rather frequent) and my good friends there. Some of my favorite people and places.

I appreciate your perspective. like I said in the article, we're not all conformant to the "gens", so its not meant to apply individual description, it's as groups, knowing there's wide variations.

My generation inherited the free spirit from yours to a great degree; also a lot of our performers that I described are late boomers, of course, that's how it goes. also we viewed the world as color blind, naively maybe.

Location is everything! thanks for the comments.

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SPEAK!! 🗣️🙌🏼🙌🏼

Well done, friend.

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I am technically a Boomer (1951) but I think my mentality is closer to your description of GenX.

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because our tent is not that big, there’s room for expansion.

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I have cockroaches in my laptop. Little ones, mostly. I am writing and a little cockroach baby comes crawling across the lluminated screen: pretty difficult to miss. So, I flick it off. It can go onto a life somewhere else but hopefully not in the computer housing itself. That's how I take care of it.

So, I was thinking about "generation computer roach" and how that "Gen" lives. Well, I figure they think you grow up in a laptop computer housing, then get flicked off of the screen just when you come out to explore. Then you would start a new life, a new career, etc. No, I don't kill them and I advise you not to as well. Not when they are babies. I do kill adults sometimes.

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I think I recall you from those years when I lived in a van down by the river. Glad to see you're still kickin'

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I do not follow the psycho naming of generations but your dad was not a boomer. The baby boom started when the boys came home from war and the economy recovered. 1946 is the oldest boomer and I am one. But I never saw things the way others did so my opinion doesn't count and I do not act my "generation.". The facts do count and the baby boom started 1946 and the biggest bulge was 1948.

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You didn’t read the article.

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